Thursday, April 17, 2008

2008 Garden Experiment

Thanks to my sister Becky's idea, I started lettuce, mesclun, radishes and spinach in Miracle Grow bags. I found some metal sawhorses and grates up at the barn, so the bags would be about waist high, well-drained and out of doggie danger. Here's what they look like today, April 17, 2008. I planted them last Tuesday. I'll be doing an herb garden this week, after the wind stops blowing so hard.


I also have onions, corn, okra, cukes, various peppers and tomatoes in the traditional garden. Some things got kind of frozen last week, but appear to be coming around quite well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you. I planted early and wanted to go all out. Had onions nearly ready to eat. Hail destroyed everything. Thanks for the idea. Not likely to be used this year-too beat down.