Thursday, January 3, 2008

This really pissed me off.


Some evil doers stole a boat down in Fort Worth, towed it up here to our little slice of heaven, and set it on fire on December 19, 2007 - right outside the back porch of the house I was brought home to when I was born a long while back.


A few weeks have passed. I'm feeling better. I'm not coughing so much now. I breathed in a lot of smoke from that fire - I had to get pictures. I still can hardly make myself look that way when I go to town, and have to drive by the place that was always there but is not there anymore.


To the evil doers - I wish a pox upon you. May you burn in hell, hotter than the fire you manifested upon my beloved old farm house.

1 comment:

Kathleen... said...

Oh, that's awful! I love the first picture...I wondered?....then saw the second and gasped out loud.

Rotten scoundrels.